Seven of my prints -- including "XK" at 44 in x 56 in !! -- will be on view (and on sale!) indefinitely at Marietta West Cobb Counseling Center in Marietta, GA beginning the week of April 15.
I've traveled once already on behalf of this project, to meet and work with the framer, the charming, erudite Shae Avery at Avery Gallery. Terri Abraham, my good friend (and premier east coast dealer!), and I had a rather magical Valentine weekend. We encountered the astonishing Ilia Varcev making pictures on the street. (He photographed us, though I see that work has yet to make it onto his site.) I was introduced to the concept of a "pop up" store. Don't laugh; there's always more to learn. 200 Mill, run by Terri's friend and neighbor, Dana Poor, said store, is a studio that opens one weekend a month to sell items made and discovered the previous month. I smuggled home a few treasures that I'd picture here, except they're Christmas presents. For more on 200 Mill, and the pop-up concept, here's Dana explaining it. After a spectacularly good meal at The Butcher The Baker, Terri and I attended the opening of dk Gallery's "Romance of the Nude and Figure," where we met glass artist Lori Schinelli. Full couple of days!
But the weekend wasn't all play -- beginning April 15 at 3:30 -- my work, gorgeously framed, hangs on the walls in Marietta West Cobb Counseling Center's lovely new space. Come celebrate!